Neverwinter nights multiplayer campaign
Neverwinter nights multiplayer campaign

The Devoted Cleric Class has some heals, but this heals trigger either through damage dealt or through healing beams targeted at players. The Guardian Warrior class can attract some threat and has a unique block mechanic that can be used to negate damage, but encounters don’t revolve around every enemy attacking this tank. This action-RPG approach throws a wrench into the traditional MMO trinity of tank/healer/damage, but these roles aren’t gone, either. What to hit something? Line it up and use a power! Auto-attack and tab-targeting have been replaced by a reticle and attacks tied to a handful of buttons. The combat system is heavily based off action-RPGs and focuses on proper use of a small selection of abilities.

neverwinter nights multiplayer campaign

Neverwinter is not a traditional MMO for reasons that go beyond user-made content. Dwarves and Elves are particularly cartoonish and every race suffers oversized eyes, though the advanced character customization panel lets players resize them. Cryptic’s arts have obviously tried to re-create the cartoonish yet conventional style found in D&D’s official books, but this sometimes translates poorly to 3D. While the flavor is great, the game does suffer from controversial character models. Players must also select a background and deity, two choices that have no gameplay effect but serve to encourage role-play. None of the races are unique (besides the Tiefling, perhaps) but all of them are backed by loads of lore which is expressed in-game through occasional racial quests. This is an interesting approach, and one that serves up a bit more flavor than the typical role-playing game. They've also created five classes based on specializations of classes found in Player’s Handbook 1. To keep true to these influences, the developers have served up an array of characters from D&D’s Player’s Handbook 1 and 2.

neverwinter nights multiplayer campaign

Creating a new character is an important part of any role-playing game, but it’s particularly important for Neverwinter because the game is based of Dungeons & Dragons and uses the standard Forgotten Realm setting.

Neverwinter nights multiplayer campaign